Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 8 - A Photo That Makes Me Angry/Sad

I managed the photo yesterday, and hope to duplicate my success today. This has been a difficult blog on many levels. Generally I am a half-full kind of girl, the kind that sees sunshine and rainbows in most everything that life hands me. It's a good way to be, as my life has not been without tragedy and hard times.

Being half-full has allowed me to get through it all and move forward and make the best of every situation that comes my way. So for that, it is somewhat difficult to find something that makes me angry or sad in the way of a photo (at least one that I own or took - of course I could post one of child abuse or animal abuse etc. those are things that make me sad and angry but I am assuming this is more about my personal life and I have not suffered either of those).

The photo I will choose (I am still thinking on it as I write) will be one about my dad. So it is hard to do because it still hurts that he is gone, taken from us before we ready and because although there is sadness, every photo is filled with happy memories. My dad taught me a lot about having a strong spirit, the proverbial making lemonade out of the lemons life hands you. He was strong and gentle and always knew how to have a good time and celebrate what we did have rather than focus on what we were missing. I was fortunate to be blessed with such a great role model, and to have him in my life as long as I did and I am grateful for that. However, my heart yearns to have his arms wrapped around me, to hear his voice, to see him enjoy the two beautiful grandsons I produced and sadness creeps in...that is probably the one thing that makes me the saddest is knowing that the boy was only 4 when he lost his grandpa and baby boo never got to meet him.

I see this photo, and although it is a happy memory (the boy at age 1 with two of his cousins) I am filled with sadness knowing that Dad is not here to be filled with joy watching the boy, baby boo and his other grand kid. His children and grandchildren were his world, and it breaks my heart that he can only watch over us know from a distance.

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